Everyday Diversity builds skills Everyday Diversity promotes awareness inside and outside your organization. The course will challenge your learners to become aware of behaviors in the workplace: with co-workers and clients or customers. Everyday Diversity delivers important skills through exercises, models, and coaching.
Everyday Diversity specifics Everyday Diversity has a seat time of about 30 minutes, replacing hours of classroom training. It is deliverable as an "off-the-shelf" course that can be easily plugged into your existing learning management system. There are also a number of customization options, including case studies and language that reflects your organization's policies and strategic vision for diversity and inclusion. Co-branding Everyday Diversity lets you show your employees the level of your organization's commitment. Custom content drives the message home.
Everyday Diversity in an LMS Everyday Diversity conforms to AICC specs for learning management systems and has been installed in a variety of systems. Integration into your LMS is a snap, and ProGroup can work with your internal technology team to ensure a smooth rollout. |
Everyday Diversity outside an LMS Everyday Diversity can be rolled out to organizations of any size. You can run Everyday Diversity in your organization even if you don't have a learning management system. Ask ProGroup about an online solution or other integration options. We offer hosted solutions with confidential reporting and even online evaluation. Let ProGroup's commitment to customization and flexibility work in your favor.
Everyday Diversity is ready now Everyday Diversity is complete and ready for delivery. Clients who need an off-the-shelf elearning solution with a strong diversity component have it, immediately. ProGroup will deliver Everyday Diversity to your organization in record time.
Everyday Diversity demonstration We offer an online demonstration of Everyday Diversity. Please contact ProGroup at 800.651.4093 or progroup@progroupinc.com for more information, to order, or to request a demo. |