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Diversity Training Programs
Diversity Training Program
Leading Diversity—A highly interactive structured work session for leaders that links diversity to achieving the organization's business goals. Leaders clarify their diversity message, determine what they expect from others, and identify ways in which they will hold themselves and others accountable.

Tools of Engagement ™—Managers and team leaders explore their own attitudes toward differences and recognize how their attitudes result in behaviors that may set some employees up to succeed and others to fail. Participants learn and practice skills to increase their ability to conduct conversations that will leverage employee strengths and engage all employees.

Appreciating Differences™—This program is for employees at all levels and combines awareness and skills in a high-impact program that creates a common understanding of the organization's business case for an inclusive environment. Participants examine how their personal attitudes can affect their behaviors at work and learn ways to set them aside in order to be agents of change within their organization.

Diverse Perspectives, Common Goals™—A diversity team-building program that revolves around the business of diversity, participants explore diversity situations that impact performance, innovation, and ultimately, the bottom line. Exercises promote learning about the behaviors that create an inclusive environment where teams improve performance and individuals feel they can reach their full potential.

Winning in the Emerging Marketplace™—Helping to define various cultures and the barriers that may be encountered in a cross-cultural sales relationship, participants receive a toolkit for winning business in new emerging markets and increasing their cultural competency. They leave with an action plan for building more diverse markets.

Creating a Harassment-Free Environment™—Starting with a clear definition of harassment according to the law and their company's policies and procedures, participants learn what the company expects of them and their responsibilities regarding harassment. They develop skills to proactively prevent and discourage harassment and to effectively deal with complaints of harassment when they occur.

Cross-Generational Communications™—Participants develop a better understanding of each generation's values and discover how these play out in the workplace and marketplace. They also receive valuable tips on working and communicating with each generation and get a chance to apply these skills in case studies or role plays.

Leadership for Women™—Targeting women identified as possessing leadership qualities or aspiring to be leaders in their organizations, participants learn what it takes to be a leader in today's and tomorrow's workplace and can measure their current skills and abilities against this research. Participants will develop plans to become stronger leaders and a support network for doing so.

Managing Across Cultures™—Managers with a culturally diverse workforce learn about the cultural norms of the people they manage, as well as gain a better understanding of their own culture, so they recognize when cultural clashes or misunderstandings occur. Participants receive a cultural toolkit that they can use to build better relationships across cultures. This will help them to set all employees up to be as successful as possible and contribute all of their cultural awareness to the organization.

"Getting Real" Around Diversity™—Using the skills of dialogue to help people to understand and appreciate the life experiences of people from another culture, age, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, etc., participants take part in a series of conversations conducted in a safe environment where they will gain increased knowledge of what it's like to "walk in someone else's shoes." They will leave with a skill set for building understanding and communication across differences.

Service Energy Profile™—Used in conjunction with training or as a stand-alone piece, this self-assessment allows participants to measure their strengths and areas for improvement in the field of customer service.

Everyone Counts™—A video-based workshop centering on issues that may arise in service situations when providers' and customers' cultural backgrounds differ, participants learn to set aside their biases and are taught the skills and attitude to provide high-level service to customers of all backgrounds and beliefs.

Smarter Together™—Life lessons, perceptions, and assumptions about the opposite gender can affect working relationships. Participants learn a skill model to communicate across gender and practice on customized case studies.
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