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Diversity Classes
Diversity Classes

Diversity Classes are an essential part of ProGroup's diversity training programs. We provide full-day diversity classes, as well as half-day diversity classes. Diversity classes are usually the second element of any ProGroup facilitated diversity initiative. Our clients depend on diversity classes to build on information gathered during initial surveys and focus groups.

ProGroup Diversity Classes focus on real dialogues around sensitive diversity issues and creating a safe "no shame—no blame" learning environment. Our methods for creating diversity classes include small and large group diversity classes, lectures, individually completed assignments, use of media, "hands on" practice of the key skill sets, and diversity action planning.

In ProGroup's experience, awareness and skill building diversity classes are most effective when they provide practical tools. We try to build classes around skills that can be applied in day-to-day interactions with diversity, both in employees and customers.

The ProGroup design team will work closely with you to assure that diversity classes reflect desired outcomes and reinforce key components of existing diversity programs.

Though most diversity classes offered by ProGroup are best in the longer timeframe, the half-day diversity class format has proven successful.
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